Most of us are committed to one kind of pajamas; how many times have we heard a friend say, “I only wear nightgowns” or “I only wear Fred’s old t-shirts.” Well girls, the holidays are coming. Everyone knows this means plenty of food, maybe a little too much fun, and non-stop holiday music stuck in your head. But most importantly, there will be plenty of lounging. Lounging in the morning, through the afternoon, and maybe all the way through to dinner. We’re not judging, that’s the whole point of the season. But when the entire family follows you know who down the chimney on Christmas morning, there’s no reason you can’t be put together and polished in your pajamas. Switch it up a bit! Besides, “I only” sends the signal of an inability to change, to try new things, to embrace the future. Plus, can you ever have too many pairs of matching pajamas?
Even a lifetime of cotton pajamas girl might benefit from a washable silk gown, and can’t you just imagine how super-cool you will feel walking around the house in a velvet robe over your old ratty Velvet Underground t-shirt?