We all know sneakers are part of every stylish woman’s wardrobe, but there are definitely still different kinds. These are not your splurge-y fashion sneakers. These are working sneakers. These are support-your-arches, going on a serious hike, getting back in shape sneakers. But that doesn’t mean your sneakers still can’t be cute! I love the different color ways and On Cloud’s trademark squiggly sole.
So what makes On Cloud’s sneakers different? An emphasis on cutting edge technology and keeping things as sustainable as possible. Some of their models, like the Cloud 5, are made with up to 44% recycled materials! Some models, like the Cloud X 3 Shift, are even made with 90% high-quality recycled content. So you can look good, and feel good about being better for the planet!
The Cloud 5 sneaker is my go-to sneaker for traveling. I love the supportive, comfortable feel that pulls double duty as a workout shoe and a walking shoe for exploring on a vacation. They’re super light and breathable thanks to the mesh uppers, and fresh white sneakers are especially tempting ahead of summer. Similarly, in the spirit of spring, you could always go for a lively lilac shade or a pale peachy pink. Their blue-and-white pair feels downright nautical if you prefer a darker sneaker.
The Cloud X 3 is their lightest, most responsive shoe. It’s all about being able to reach the speeds and intensity you want to during a workout, and especially great for mixed workouts. Think lunges, squats, and jogging. I love the white and black pair for how clean of a look it is, but the dark purple-ish navy is probably easier to keep clean. And for the color queens, there’s a salmon sneaker with pops of coral.
Shop the rest of our favorite On Cloud sneakers from Bloomingdale’s below:
All of our recommendations are curated by Susan & the In The Groove editorial team. In some, but not all cases, we receive a small commission for leading you to what, how and where to buy all this wonderful stuff.