Welcome friends, new and not ever old.
I’m so excited to introduce you to my latest passion, In The Groove, a lifestyle destination for age-defying women like us: smart, sassy, road tested with a lot more miles to burn.
After selling One Kings Lane, and nowhere near ready for retirement, I did a walkabout that led me to the question of why there wasn’t a central meeting “happy” place for women seeking inspiration about how to navigate the challenges of growing older with style and grace. I learned that women weren’t seeing themselves or their interests well represented in the media and so I thought: “Someone has got to make this right–might as well be me.”
In The Groove is now that happy place…to read, laugh, cry and learn about things you need to know, even if you didn’t know you needed to know them until now. We promise to keep you on the sharper edge of what’s happening in health, beauty, wellness, fashion, travel, tech and so much more–and of course, plenty of shopping because we can’t help ourselves.
And listen, I get it. You’re busy. I’m busy, so we’re keeping it simple, easy to subscribe and easy to read. We are reporting on everything from trends in bio-identicals to cool sneakers, dinner for one or how to go gray without apology.
You can visit us in the wee hours or any time, take a cruise around the site and if you want a twice-weekly straight to your inbox reminder, sign up for our emails.
Hoping that you’ll love In The Groove at least half as much as I’ve loved the journey of just getting here.
Welcome to the Modern Age.
Trust us, it’s not what you expected.
P.S. I would love to hear from you. You can always email me at SusanF@getinthegroove.com.